Statement from the Institute

Georgia Tech is committed to offering resources and support to faculty members experiencing threats, harassment, and/or intimidation related to or because of their research or academic work.   

As stated in our Institute values, Georgia Tech aims to foster an environment where all members of our community can ask questions, seek truth, and express their views. Academic freedom and freedom of expression are considered essential cornerstones to the advancement of knowledge.   

However, we do not tolerate harassment and have measures in place for dealing with harassment in its various forms.

Am I Safe? Steps for Determining Your Safety

In each section below, we provide guides to determining the steps to take to check your safety and seek assistance.

Am I physically safe?

Am I concerned for my physical safety or the safety of others? 

If yes, please contact the Georgia Tech Police Department (GTPD) immediately. The GTPD phone number (for both emergencies and non-emergencies) is 404.894.2500. On campus landlines, they can also be reached at 4-2500 or by dialing 911. 

If you would like to file a report in person, an officer will meet with you and walk you through the process. Please go to the GTPD station at 965 Hemphill Avenue NW, Atlanta (on the corner of 10th & Hemphill).

Am I psychologically safe and/or safe online?

I’ve discovered concerning online content about my work or the work of a colleague. What do I do? 

If this content appears on an institutionally-owned platform or tool, or if the content has been shared by a member of the Georgia Tech community, the Institute will evaluate this situation based on our codes of conduct and policies. Please use Georgia Tech’s Conflict Resolution and Advocacy reporting form to submit an incident report.

If you are concerned about the presence of a negative news article or online post about your work, there are reporting options depending on the scenario: 

1. Many social media platforms have their own reporting mechanisms through which you can notify the platform of concerning posts or information. 

2. The Conflict Resolution and Advocacy Team can provide you with consultation in these scenarios. Consultation provides the opportunity to work with an expert to address questions and/or concerns, including assistance with navigating conflicts, as well as understanding Institute policies and procedures. Please schedule a consultation session by emailing

3. The Institute Communications Media Team can provide consultative guidance on practical steps to take depending on the media platform or tool in question. Please email the Assistant Vice President of External Communications with your concerns:

We understand the impact these situations can have on members of our community; Georgia Tech offers support resources for faculty through the Employee Assistance Program.

Documentation Checklist

If you suspect that you are being harassed, it is critical to document your experiences and interactions. Please refer to the following checklist: 

  • It is critical to document and save evidence of the incident in question.  
    • Take screenshots and save copies of all communications between yourself and this person or account. This includes social media interactions, as well as email, text, and/or voicemail.  
    • Ensure that all evidence has been thoroughly preserved and documented prior to disabling and/or deleting accounts.  
    • If you are unsure of how to document these online interactions properly, please ask someone you trust, such as your supervisor/manager or the Conflict Resolution and Advocacy Team, for assistance.   

  • Take steps to protect your well-being during the investigation process.  
    • If you have the option to “mute” notifications on the channels through which you are receiving these communications, it is often helpful to do so until the conclusion of the investigation.  
    • If your mental health is suffering, Georgia Tech offers support through the Employee Assistance Program. 
    • Georgia Tech’s Conflict Resolution and Advocacy Team is available to provide consultative and mediative support to faculty who are unsure how to navigate difficult situations. Please email or visit the Conflict Resolution and Advocacy web resources for assistance. 

  • Decide if you should respond.  
    • Always discuss what is going on with a supervisor or other Georgia Tech support staff and report the incident through the proper channels prior to crafting a response. 
    • Factors to consider before responding:  
      • Will a response increase my physical risk?   
      • Will a response exacerbate the existing situation by providing additional material for your harasser’s communications? 

Managing Concerning or Difficult Classroom Conversations

One of the concerns faculty members express about classroom discussion is the possibility that comments and questions might lead into divisive or controversial topics, or even result in harassment in some instances. 

If something is said in the classroom by a student that puts the safety of yourself or another student at risk, please report it immediately. If you believe anyone in the classroom to be in danger, please contact the Georgia Tech Police Department (GTPD). The GTPD phone number (for both emergencies and non-emergencies) is 404.894.2500. On campus landlines, they can also be reached at 4-2500 or by dialing 911. 

If you are concerned about a classroom situation but do not feel that anyone in the classroom is in immediate danger, you can use Georgia Tech’s Conflict Resolution and Advocacy reporting form to submit an incident report.  

If something is said in the classroom by a student that is challenging to address or answer, the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) provides helpful resources with tips on how to handle these moments. 

I'm Concerned About an Insider Threat

In today’s information-centric environment, protecting organizational data from deliberate or unintentional disclosure is paramount. While many focus on protecting their critical assets and data from external threats, they may overlook threats originating from inside Georgia Tech. Insiders have the potential to cause severe financial and reputational harm to the Institute. 

To learn more about insider threats, please visit the Insider Threat Program and Reporting Policy. 

To report suspected instances of insider threat indicators, please visit the anonymous Insider Threat Program Reporting Tool. 

What is Harassment?

Georgia Tech’s Policy Library defines discriminatory harassment as:  

“Unwelcome verbal, non-verbal, or physical conduct directed against any person or group, based upon race, ethnicity, ancestry, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, genetics, veteran status, or any other category protected by law, that is so severe, pervasive, or persistent as to unreasonably interfere with or limit an individual’s employment or educational opportunities.” [Policy Library Reference: Equal Opportunity, Nondiscrimination, and Anti-Harassment Policy 

Each of us has a duty to listen actively, speak up, and be responsive when others speak up. If you believe yourself or a colleague to be in danger, please contact the Georgia Tech Police Department (GTPD) immediately. The GTPD phone number (for both emergencies and non-emergencies) is 404.894.2500. On campus landlines, they can also be reached at 4-2500 or by dialing 911. 

Georgia Tech’s Conflict Resolution and Advocacy Team is available to provide consultative and mediative support to faculty who are unsure how to navigate difficult situations. Please visit the Conflict Resolution and Advocacy web resources for assistance or email

Intimidation of or retaliation against a person for utilizing Georgia Tech Conflict Resolution and Advocacy resources is prohibited by USG and Georgia Tech policy Employees who make such attempts will be subject to disciplinary action. Learn more about Georgia Tech’s Non-Retaliation Policy. 

See below for Policy Library definitions for bullying, intimidation, stalking, threatening behavior, and workplace violence: 

Bullying  Offensive and malicious behavior that undermines an individual or group through persistently negative attacks. The behavior may include an element of vindictiveness, and is intended to undermine, patronize, humiliate, intimidate or demean the recipient.  
Intimidation  Behavior intended to frighten, coerce, or induce duress.  
Stalking  Following a person, placing a person under surveillance, or contacting a person for the purpose of harassment or intimidation.  
Threatening Behavior  The expression of intent to cause physical or mental harm. An expression constitutes a threat without regard to whether the party communicating the threat has the present ability to carry out the threat and without regard to whether the expression is contingent, conditional, or future.  
Workplace Violence  Acts of violence committed by or against any individual on the campus of Georgia Tech, at satellite locations, or at sanctioned functions off campus that involve students, faculty, staff, vendors, clients, and/or visitors. 

Media Safety and Reporting to Institute Communications

Georgia Tech values an academic environment that encourages free speech and the academic freedom necessary to maintain a robust marketplace of ideas for discovery and development. While members of the community may, at times, disagree, Georgia Tech expects members of the community to engage in civil and respectful discourse. Georgia Tech encourages all members of the community to be mindful of the impact that their words and actions may have on others.  

However, there are times when a member of our community may feel unsafe due to media activity. In these instances, the Institute Communications Media Team is available to help. Please follow the below process for media reporting.  

How to connect with the Institute Communications Media Team:  

  • First – Alert your supervisor (follow unit reporting chain)  
  • Second – Reach out directly via email to the Assistant Vice President of External Communications with your concerns:  

What can Institute Communications do in these situations?  

  • We can provide advice based on social media/media interactions.  
  • We can collaborate with Legal Affairs on communication (as needed).  
  • We can provide reputation (professional or institutional) safeguarding consultation.  

Related Policy Library Resources