Bonnie H. Ferri has been named vice provost for Graduate Education and Faculty Development, following the retirement of Susan Cozzens. She will officially assume the role Aug. 15.
Bonnie H. Ferri has been named vice provost for Graduate Education and Faculty Development, following the retirement of Susan Cozzens. She will officially assume the role Aug. 15.
“I am proud to continue the critical work of the Office of Graduate Education and Faculty Development,” said Ferri. “The vice provost role is a distinct opportunity to unite schools across campus in support of our students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty, and create a thriving culture of educational innovation.”
Ferri comes to the vice provost position after nearly 30 years of advancing positions of leadership within the faculty. For the last 11 years, she has served as the associate chair in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering in both undergraduate and graduate affairs capacities. She is also the current co-chair of the Commission on Creating the Next in Education.
“Professor Bonnie Ferri’s long history at Georgia Tech means she brings extensive experience as an administrator, leader, and researcher,” said Rafael L. Bras, provost and executive vice president for Academic Affairs and the K. Harrison Brown Family Chair. “She’s also proven herself as a consummate champion of excellence in teaching and educational innovation. That experience and enthusiasm will be invaluable as she assumes the role of vice provost.”
The duties of the vice provost include ensuring the quality of graduate education; working on behalf of the well-being of graduate students, postdoctoral students, and faculty; supporting faculty development and the educational enterprise; and managing the hiring, promotion, and tenure process for faculty. The vice provost also oversees the Office of Graduate Studies, the Office of Faculty Affairs, the Office of Postdoctoral Services, and the Center for Teaching and Learning.
The selection of the vice provost followed an internal search initiated this past spring and led by Paul Kohn, vice provost for Enrollment Services, and an applicant review team.
Leslie N. Sharp, associate vice provost for Graduate Education and Faculty Development, is serving as interim vice provost until Ferri officially assumes the role.