The Office of the Provost is committed to assisting students who have questions, concerns, or grievances regarding the academic policies and regulations outlined in the Georgia Tech Catalog. In general, the Catalog governs all academic policies at Georgia Tech. You may consult this page for general regulations.  

Students should follow these steps to resolve or report an academic grievance: 

  • The student should attempt to informally resolve the grievance through dialogue with the individual faculty member. 
  • If it is not possible to resolve with the faculty member, the student may consult the appropriate unit-level administrator (i.e., Associate Chair or Director), where a unit is defined as a school, department, or college (if the college has no schools or departments). Academic Grievance Unit-Level Contacts
  • The student may engage the Assistant Vice Provost for Advocacy and Conflict Resolution for additional informal assistance by reporting a grievance.   

