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August 14, 2020
Academic and Research Update
- Testing and Notifications
- Fall Semester Prep — Syllabus Guidance
- Communications with Faculty/Students when a Covid-19 case occurs
- C21U Launches New Canvas Key Performance Indicator Tool to Help Instructors Collect Weekly Student Feedback
- Helping Stories: In the Race for Better Covid-19 Tests, Georgia Tech Expertise Plays a Crucial Role
August 13, 2020
Academic and Research Update
- Communications Protocol with Faculty/Students for Positive Covid-19 Case
- Centrally Scheduled Classrooms Update
- Covid-19 Student Educational and Response Team
- Georgia Tech Campus Coronavirus Testing
- REMINDER: Please Complete Hybrid Course Expectations Tool
- Hybrid Courses – Preparing for the First Week
- Research News: Portable UV Disinfection Chambers Could Help Address PPE Shortage
- Returning to Campus Resources
- Faculty Executive Board Passes Motion to Support Student Voter Turnout
August 10, 2020
Academic and Research Update
- Georgia Tech Launches Campus Coronavirus Testing
- Asymptomatic Surveillance Testing
- Diagnostic Testing
- Important Dates
- You are Invite: Staff Council "Return to Campus" Town Hall
July 31, 2020
Academic and Research Update
- Planning for Fall Semester Final Assessments
- Teaching Faculty Input Needed ASAP - Hybrid Course Expectations
- Research Density — Fall Semester
- Student Accommodations
- Classroom Capacity and Configuration Planning
- Preparing for Return: Preventive Measures Being Taken on Campus
Research News: 1.8 Million Face Shields Delivered to Protect Medical Workers from Covid-19
July 24, 2020
Academic and Research Update
- Preparing for a Return: Preventive Measures Being Taken on Campus
- Hybrid Course Expectations and Planning Resources
- Hybrid Course Tool - Course Expectations
- Covid-19 Research Projects
- Digital Proctoring with HonorLock
- Research News: Covid-19 Info Dashboards Come to the CDC With Georgia Tech Help
- Research News: Asymptomatic Spread Could Make the Covid-19 Pandemic Longer and Worse