The Office of the Provost Employee Engagement and Culture Council, through collaboration with the Georgia Tech community, aims to create a welcoming environment for every faculty, staff and student employee affiliated with the Provost's Office and its VP reporting units.

Purpose and Charge

The Office of the Provost Employee Engagement and Culture Council works to create a climate of belonging and engagement for all employees throughout the Provost’s Office reporting units. 

The Council identifies, raises awareness, and supports efforts that increase employee belonging and engagement, while developing annual goals to achieve specific outcomes related to office culture and engagement opportunities.

We act in an advisory capacity to the Provost, Steven W. McLaughlin. Activities and outcomes are documented and reported annually to Provost McLaughlin, his leadership team, and across the Provost’s Office.

Establishment of the Council

The Council was established in the summer of 2022 (FY23 Fiscal Year). The inaugural Co-Chairs (serving in FY23 and FY24) of the Council were Steven Girardot, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (faculty co-chair), and Amy Bass Henry, Executive Director of International Education (staff co-chair). 

The Office of the Provost issued an initial call for nominations for members from among the Provost’s Office units and started its work in 2022.

Council Members

The Council's members include the chair or co-chairs, staff and faculty members, and undergraduate and graduate students who work in a unit of the Provost’s Office. Among the faculty/staff members, the Council prioritizes proportional representation from each VP unit and from the central Provost’s Office staff. The co-chairs are not included from among the VP unit representatives.

In addition to the appointed members, two positions in the Provost’s Office will serve as permanent Ex-Officio members: Senior Director of Human Resources Strategy and Assistant Director of Administrative Operations.

View the list of council members

Voting and Decision Making

Typically, the Council uses a consensus approach to making decisions about recommendations and actions. All members of the Council (including ex officio members) have voting privileges when and if matters arise that necessitate a vote.

Recruitment and Terms of Appointment

Members are appointed by the Provost based on nominations and self-nominations submitted to the Co-Chairs by major unit heads (i.e. Vice or Associate Provosts).

Members serve two-year terms, renewable for a third year with the approval of the Member, the Supervisor of the Member, the Vice Provost (or equivalent leadership role) for the Member’s area, and the Council Co-Chairs. After serving a maximum of three years, a member will roll off the Council for at least two years.

The Council encourages former Council members and all community members to use their knowledge and skills to serve as ambassadors of efforts in their units and networks, and to assist this Council and others in our community in an advisory capacity, with activities, and on special efforts as needed. 

The co-chairs (one faculty and one staff) are appointed for 2-year terms by the Provost. The co-chairs elect will be appointed in the year prior to the conclusion of the current co-chairs term to allow for continuous planning and transition. The co-chairs are typically appointed from current members of the Council. After their leadership term, co-chairs will rotate off the Council

In the initial year, members were randomly appointed for variable terms of one or two years. Subsequent appointments will be for 2 years to achieve a turnover of approximately half of the Council’s membership each year. After the initial year, all appointments follow a fiscal year term, beginning on July 1 and concluding on June 30.

Recruitment for each new year begins in the spring for the subsequent fiscal year appointment. When a vacancy occurs during a term, the co-chairs will work with the area represented to replace this member to complete the term. (For example, if the vacating member was a staff member within the Vice Provost for Enrollment Management (VPEM) organization, efforts will be made to replace the member from among VPEM staff).

Funding and Council Support

The Council requests funds from the Office of the Provost to support programming and initiatives in the annual budget planning cycle. Reporting units may also align annual budget requests with Council initiatives when appropriate.

The Assistant Director of Administrative Operations ensures administrative support for the Council, (e.g., scheduling full Council meetings, event reservations, and other administrative assistance).

By working together and promoting staff engagement in the Provost’s Office, we hope to foster belonging and a more welcoming, inclusive environment for all members of the Georgia Tech community.

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